In a Perfect World – Podcast

A regular series of “experiential journalism” podcasts exploring the evolution of the new global paradigm. In a Perfect World will chart the meetings, musings and collective dreamings of gonzo reporter Rak Razam amongst the cultural creatives of the global tribe, the Ultraculture of the 21st century. These recordings are raw snatches of Beatnikian immediatism, unedited downloads from the tribal journey of remembering... Come, anchor the vision and spark the new paradigm alight...


A collection of edited transcripts from the interview series below.

A regular series of “experiential journalism” podcasts exploring the evolution of the new global paradigm. In a Perfect World will chart the meetings, musings and collective dreamings of gonzo reporter Rak Razam amongst the cultural creatives of the global tribe, the Ultraculture of the 21st century.

These recordings are raw snatches of Beatnikian immediatism, unedited downloads from the tribal journey of remembering... Come anchor the vision and spark the new paradigm alight... 


Join immersive journalist Rak Razam and Dr. Andrew Gallimore, a neurobiologist, chemist, and pharmacologist who has authored the new book Alien information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game.

Join immersive journalist Rak Razam and Daniel Sitaram Das Shankin, an integration coach with Tam Integration and Sitting for Psychonauts, for a playful dinner discussion in which they discuss the cultural phenomenon known as “psychedelic integration” and the state of mainstreaming psychedelics

Join immersive journalist Rak Razam and Samaya Storm (aka. Samantha Sweetwater), a coach, guide and medicine woman, as they discuss the planetary zeitgeist as we move into 2019 and the collective shadow coming to the surface.

Join immersive journalist Rak Razam and Zoe Helene, an artist and cultural activist and Psychedelic Feminist who is passionate about supporting the voices of visionaries who share her commitment to women’s rights, wilderness and wildlife, and sacred psychedelic plants (and fungi).

Join immersive journalist Rak Razam and Rev. Aryshta, Dean of the Sacred Foundation, an organization dedicated to re-establishing the sacred traditions of ancient mystery schools and their entheogenic usage.

Experiential journalist Rak Razam delves deep into an intimate discussion with psychotherapist, Navigating Altered States practitioner and Tantric Sex coach Meriana Dinkova about the mind, body, and soul connection.

Join experiential journalist Rak Razam, documentary filmmaker, co-founder of Medicina Sagrada CMX and medicine man Mario Garner as they discuss the Bufo Alvarius toad, 5MEO-DMT, Source Consciousness and the unfolding of the divine in these times.

Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts a robust community discussion on the role, importance and shape of 5-MeO-DMT in modern culture from the Somara Shamanic Medicine Forum, Feb 2016.

Join experiential journalist and superhero in training Rak Razam as he interviews Andrew Morrissey, aka Mr. Multiverse, a motivational speaker, life coach, human potential activator and superhuman meme generator.

Rak Razam, the host of the new online TV show, Shamans of the Global Village, chats with the show’s director Niles Heckman about the resurgence in shamanic traditions across the world and why they made this groundbreaking new series.

Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and guest Jo Slater, who, four years ago, suffered a blow to the head that left her brain damaged and rerouted her neurochemistry at the same time.

Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and his feminine counterpart, spiritual seeker Flora, author of the forthcoming Veils, a novel about a shamanic coming of age and working with 5-MeO-DMT.

The Mother is revered in various cultures as a source of life, wisdom and love. Join experiential journalist Rak Razam as he interviews Ayahuasca: Awakenings retreat participant Goldy, a 70-year-old woman experiencing her first entheogenic activation.

The psychedelic and shamanic worlds are increasingly entering the public consciousness, and the building wave of interest in these fields has been seeded by consciousness explorers of the last generation, like Australian Julian Palmer.

Join experiential journalist Rak Razam as he talks with the Executive Director of the International Evolver Network Magenta Imagination Healer about another world that is sprouting from the cracks of the old.

How do indigenous cultures like the Shipibo of the Amazon preserve their traditions in a rapidly globalizing world? Writer-filmmaker Athena Gam is spearheading the ‘Song of the Amazon’ project in alliance with the Shipibo to anchor their art and stories, their world myths, into an upcoming animated feature film. The Shipibo tapestries anchor the “vibrational

Experiential journalist Rak Razam talks with mushroom shamaness and modern-day Oracle Shonagh Home, author of Ix Chel Wisdom: 7 Teachings from the Mayan Sacred Feminine and Love, Spirit, Medicine.

Come on a guided tour of evolutionary hyperspace with experiential journalist Rak Razam and paleontologist-poet-philosopher, visionary artist, electroacoustic musician, futurist, cultural critic, intellectual avantgarde thinker and “Big Ideas” bodhisattva Michael Garfield.

Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews a legal psilocybin shamanic facilitator from the Netherlands, Olli, where the mushroom sclerotia (‘Philosopher Stones’) are a legal thing to possess and ingest.

In which experiential journalist Rak Razam is interviewed by Dr. Sebastian Job, Honorary Associate, Department of Anthropology at the University of Sydney, about the interdimensional entities that we encounter on entheogens like ayahuasca and DMT.

Experiential journalist Rak Razam chats with the world’s premier mycologist, Paul Stamets, at the Uplift festival, Dec 22, 2012, about the whole systems theory of nature that the mycelium networks of the mushrooms point towards.

Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts a panel at Eclipse festival 2012 on November 16, 2012, with sacred feminine facilitator Beata Alfoldi, Undergrowth director and visionary-filmmaker Tim Parish, Jungian therapist Jeremiah Abrams, shamanic practitioner Darpan and rites of passage commentator Sobey Wing

In ancient days the sun was worshiped as a living entity, life giver and destroyer, all wrapped in one. Entire cultures sacrificed and fed energy to the sun, understanding that the delicate cosmic web must be maintained and that the process of life works both ways. As we near the time of galactic alignment on

Experiential journalist Rak Razam hosts a panel discussion at Entheogenesis Australis on the 2012 date and the implications for entheogenic culture in the year ahead. Is there a ‘strange attractor’ at the End of Time that entheogens have been presaging? What do the plants and indigenous cultures say about this critical juncture in time? Can

A lecture given at the EntheoGenesis Australis Conference, Dec 3, 2011. At the height of the first wave of psychedelia, Ken Kesey promoted the idea of the Next Step, which at the time he envisaged as “beyond acid”.

Join experiential journalist Rak Razam and his special guest ‘Cleva Fela’ and his many children in this unique character profile of a white man dreaming of the indigenous Australian land and culture.

Experiential podcaster Rak Razam interviews Max Igan, ‘memetic revolutionary’ and podcaster of Surviving the Matrix, on American Voice Radio and probes the intertwined issues of planetary awakening and control.