According to Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain, authors of Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, The Sixties, and Beyond, there was over a decade of legal and illegal testing of LSD by the CIA on it’s own men, from 1953-1966, when they dosed unsuspecting doctors and servicemen to see if the chemical would make an efficient brainwashing mechanism.
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Potential of Psychedelics
Hello and welcome to my site. My name’s Rak Razam and I’m a mythic storyteller: a screenwriter, author, journalist, filmmaker and public speaker. I’ve been seeking the Mystery in one shape of another all my adult life. What is the Mystery? You could say it’s why we’re here. Who we are. And what we’re becoming.
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In my decades of interviews for mainstream and alternative media I have found the others, the seekers and the wisdom holders. Collectively we have the pieces to the puzzle of a healthy, sustainable, meaningful new paradigm that unites ancient wisdom with future technology. A thread through the labyrinth of disinformation and division that points towards home. Check our my latest content here:
White Lightning
An interview with legendary 60's acid chemist
"Bear" Owsley Stanley
A dazzling collection of illustrated short stories from a future coming real.
Mystery School
A seminal collection of lectures delivered at conferences worldwide and a map of my own journey of discovery. Think of them as a mystery school in microcosm.