At the height of the first wave of psychedelia in the 1960s, Ken Kesey promoted the idea of the “Next Step”, which at the time he envisaged as “Beyond Acid”.

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What is shamanism and how is it relevant in the 21st Century? How does ayahuasca fit in with all this, and why is it booming as a business – and as a spiritual movement?

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Is the sudden popularity of 5-MeO-DMT from the Sonoran Desert Toad medicine part of a process of ego dissolution culminating generations of plant work? Like the plants, have we been groomed to receive the light?

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What if the cultural chaos of these times was part of a natural process, just as when nature turns coals into diamonds from the intense pressure? As philosopher Henri Bergson has famously said, is the “universe a machine for making gods?”

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The 5-MeO-DMT experience is often likened to the individual egoic consciousness, or drop, remembering it’s oceanic full potential. But what if the opposite were also true? What if the intelligent, loving, oceanic consciousness of Source itself was incarnating in the drop?

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If EntheoGenesis is awakening to the Divine within, what do we do with it then? Is the peak experience of divinity a seed to be integrated and/or a relationship to be nurtured?

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