- "Bear" Owsley Stanley III’s Last Trip -

What if Owsley Stanley III, affectionately known as ‘Bear’, acid cook, entrepreneur and genius set loose on the psychedelic culture of the 1960s, who always had an opinion about everything, what if his crazy, hyperdetailed theories were in fact, right?

What if they pointed towards some meaningful truth?

What would it mean to the psychedelic community and to the world at large?

What you'll find inside

That is to say, if anyone could actually sit and listen to Bear and all his out-there theories with enough attention to detail, and patience, they would have eventually realized that they weren’t a hotch-potch sampling of way-out acid-musings; instead, each individual insight and intuition gleaned from a life lived deeply interconnected and built up to a meta-theory, a new paradigm that showed an archaic way of sustainability and insight for future generations.

It’s just that very few, if any people–even those closest to him–ever managed to sit through the marathon downloads that Bear dispensed without pissing him off or intellectually falling off the rails, much less integrating his wisdom into a cohesive whole.
Until now.

Bear’s rants were the stories he laid on the tribe, and this book seeks to weave them together and present them as a whole tapestry. It is less a traditional biography than a gonzo bio-memoir that relays some of his last recorded public speeches, blending themes from previous interviews and public statements, sometimes in long transcription style. In such I have attempted to create a clear narrative flow that communicates Bear’s theories in his own words, as much as possible, and embeds them in the context of a life lived deep and true.

Bear’s rants were the stories he laid on the tribe, and this book seeks to weave them together and present them as a whole tapestry. It is less a traditional biography than a gonzo bio-memoir that relays some of his last recorded public speeches, blending themes from previous interviews and public statements, sometimes in long transcription style. In such I have attempted to create a clear narrative flow that communicates Bear’s theories in his own words, as much as possible, and embeds them in the context of a life lived deep and true.

"Prohibition is the problem. The most important thing I have to say to anyone, anywhere, is that they have to legalize drugs, and I mean not decriminalize, not harm reduce, legalize... Make them available on an open market and you can control them, you can limit them, do anything you want... We will not recover from the [current] economic collapse until the drugs are taken out of the mix. The worse it gets the more money goes to the black market."

- Owsley “Bear” Stanley

"Prohibition is the problem. The most important thing I have to say to anyone, anywhere, is that they have to legalize drugs, and I mean not decriminalize, not harm reduce, legalize... Make them available on an open market and you can control them, you can limit them, do anything you want... We will not recover from the [current] economic collapse until the drugs are taken out of the mix. The worse it gets the more money goes to the black market."

- Owsley “Bear” Stanley

And so, I present to you, in as much authentic detail from the lips of Owsley ‘Bear’ Stanley himself, his ideas. His words. His way. You get them filtered through me, in classic gonzo tradition, but perhaps that’s the best way to capture the truth of the matter,
the elusive pearl in the diamond.

As such, this is the story of Owsley in his later years, of the Alchemist gone bush, and his meeting with
the grandchildren of the 60s counterculture–the latest wave come full circle.

These then, are his last words–his last trip, in more ways than one.

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Digital PDF copy of this exclusive  book that communicates Bear’s theories in his own words