As psychedelics come back into mainstream awareness there is a growing understanding that the benefits of these substances occur as part of their integration into your life.

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We are living in dire times of planetary crisis with runaway global warming now having crossed eight of the 10 major tipping points and extreme weather the new normal. How can we evolve our consciousness to meet this global challenge? Can strategic use of psychedelics assist your spiritual path and our collective survival?

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We sat down with Rak Razam, the writer, producer, and main subject of the new film Aya: Awakenings, for a 45-minute interview covering everything from the legacy of Terence McKenna to the intense 5-MeO-DMT trip that occurs at the climax of the film.

The documentary, an adaptation of the book of the same name, covers the ayahuasca tourism phenomenon through the lens of Rak’s personal experiences in Peru.

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The old ways are breaking down and a new paradigm is emerging in the post-industrial, information era. This new world age that we’re coming into is a fresh start, which needs a new mythology (which is also developing rapidly around us).

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All through history people have reported having spontaneous “mystical experiences” naturally and through the aid of external catalysts like shamanic plant and earth medicines. Our consciousness is always changing and, like our DNA, adapting to the circumstances of our environment.

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How can we understand our place in the web of life that extends beyond the planetary envelope and out into the galactic ecology? Our current short attention spans are entrained to be addicted to civilization and the technology that distracts us from the potential of our full consciousness.

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